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南京体育学院地处紫金山南麓,坐落于民国中央体育场遗址,与南京东郊风景名胜中山陵、灵谷寺相毗邻,占地六百余亩,环境优美,景色宜人。南京体育学院始建于一九五六年,历经五十年建设发展,坚持训练、教学、科研“三位一体、突出重点、办出特色、共同发展”的办学指导思想,三者紧密结合、相互渗透、资源共享、优势互补,形成了底蕴丰厚、特色鲜明的办学模式,在全国独树一帜。 南京体育学院是江苏省规模最大的竞技体育训练基地,有乒乓球、羽毛球、网球、篮球、排球、田径、举重、体操、艺术体操、武术、蹦床、技巧、击剑、自行车、游泳、跳水、花样游泳等十七个项目的省优秀运动队,在国际、国内大赛中取得了一系列优异成绩,为国家培养、输送了一大批优秀运动员、教练员,其中有栾菊杰、林莉、葛菲、顾俊、黄旭、张军、李菊、阎森、陈?^九位奥运会冠军,蔡振华、孙晋芳、孙志安等七十多位世界冠军和世界纪录创造者,以及一百多位获得国家体育运动荣誉奖章、享受政府特殊津贴的教练员。 南京体育学院是江苏省唯一的专门培养各类体育人才的高等体育学府,设有体育教育训练学、体育人文社会学、运动人体科学等三个硕士点以及体育教育、社会体育、体育新闻、运动训练、民族传统体育、运动人体科学等六个本科专业和体育健身与休闲、体育经营与管理、高尔夫球运动、体育旅游、体育广告与设计、体育场馆保障等六个高职专业。建院五十年来,为社会培养了一万多名高素质毕业生。 南京体育学院在党和政府的领导、关怀下,经过几代人的不懈奋斗,为国家和江苏省的竞技体育、体育教育事业作出了突出贡献,多次受到江苏省委、省政府的记功表彰,并多次被评为省、市“文明单位”和“精神文明学校”。An Introduction to Nanjing Sport Institute Situated at the southern foot of the Purple Mountain in the eastern scenic area of Nanjing, Nanjing sport Institute (NSI) is also adjacent to the famous historical attraction of Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum and the Linggu Temple. The Institute, established in 1956, sits on the site of the Former Central Stadium of the Republic of China, covering an area of 600 mu (about 40 hectares). NSI is characterized by its three-in-one educational mode, in which professional sports training, Higher Education and academic research integrate with more emphasis placed on the key department while resources in the three areas could be shared and the advantages could complement each other. This brand-new mode makes NSI a unique institution of higher learning in China . NSI is celebrated for its athletic training base, the largest one in Jiangsu Province. Seventeen provincial-level sports teams are stationed here, with events encompassing table tennis, badminton, tennis, basketball, volleyball, track and field, weight-lifting, gymnastics,eurythmics, martial arts, trampoline, sports acrobatics, fencing, cycling, swimming, diving, and synchronized swimming. Athletes from these events have scored a series of brilliant achievements at various national and international games, and many have evolved into the national teams and made a name for themselves either as athletes or as coaches. Among them are nine Olympic championship winners: Luan Jujie, Lin Li, Ge Fei, Gu Jun, Huang Xu, Zhang Jun, Li Ju, Yan Sen, and Chen Qi, and over seventy world champions and world record makers, including Cai Zhenhua, Sun Jinfang and Sun Zhi’an. In addition, more than one hundred coaches have been awarded state-level honorary medals on many occasions and enjoy special governmentalallowances. As the sole institution of higher learning in Jiangsu that specializes in kinesiology, NSI currently administers six undergraduate programs in Physical Education, Mass Sports, Sports Journalism, Sports Coaching, Traditional Chinese Sports, and Sports Somatology respectively. The graduate programs offer courses in the fields of Physical Education and Sports Coaching, Humanities and Social Sciences of Sports, and Sports Somatology. Also offered are six higher vocational programs: Fitness and Leisure, Sports Management, Golf, Sports Advertising, and Stadium and Gymnasium Management and Maintenance. Since its establishment, NSI has seen graduated more than 10,000 high quality students. Under the leadership of the Party and the Government, NSI has made outstanding achievements in sports and physical education through the efforts of several generations, which, for many a time, has earned her Citations of Merit and titles of Civilized Unit and/ or Spiritually Civilized School awarded by the provincial Party Committee, the provincial and /or the municipal government.




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