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更新时间:2023-05-16 00:46责任编辑:郝明明关键词:英语,副词
  副词一、副词的基本特征:用来表示行为或状态特征;大多结构为形容词后+ly;它亦有比较级和最高级。1、副词是表示行为状态特征的词,在句子中属于修饰性词类。2、大多副词是形容词后+LY构成的。     quickly ;                             slowly;                       bravely3、以Y结尾的形容词把‘y’变‘i’在加‘ly’。
   happy--happily angry--angrily4、有些副词没有特殊的字尾。 now; often; here; quite; never; very 5、有些副词于形容词相同。
   late early high long 6、只有可以分成比较等级的副词才可以有比较级和最高级形式,例如:fast, easily, early等。像only,realy,there,here则不可能有比较等级,因为它们是不可分级的。
  二、 副词的种类:1、时间副词:today, yesterday, before, now, then等。 I have never been to that farm before。 What day was it yesterday?2、地点副词:here, there, inside, outside, downstairs,everywhere等。
   It very cold outside 。You'd better put on your coat。3、方式副词:carefully, slowly, suddenly, well, hard, high等。 How hard they are working!4、程度副词:much, very, enough, a little, a bit , so , too, rather , quite, nearly, half, hardly, almost等。
   Her English is very good。 Angela sings quite well。5、频率副词:usually, sometimes,never, always,often等。 I have never been to Tokoy。
  1—5种副词一般是用来修饰动词、形容词或其它副词,说明动词的时间、地点、方式、程度或频率等,又或以把它们统称为修饰性副词。6、疑问副词(用来引导一个特殊疑问句。):how , when , where , why。 How are you getting along with your coworkers?7、连接副词(用来引导一个名词从句):how,where , when, why, whether。
   We haven't decided when we shall leave。三、副词的作用: 副词主要可以用来修饰动词、形容词、其它副词,有时修饰整个句子。有些副词在句子中还可以做形容词、关系代词或宾主补足语。 I konw him quite well。
  (作副词) He is out at the moment 。(形容词) Look at the trees there 。(关系代词) I saw her out with her parents。(宾语补语)四、副词的位置:1、副词修饰动词放在动词之后,若是及物动词则放在宾语之后。
   句型:主语+动词+宾语+副词 Jim does homework carefully。2、频率副词通常放在动词之前,但如果句子里有情态动词、助动词或be动词,则放在这类动词之后。
   They always get up early。 Jim is often late for shool。 beV。 + 频率副词;频率副词 + 一般V。"not, yet, already, once, almost, soon, really, just, suddenly,still等也可以放在这个位置。
   I have alerady finished my homework。
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